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Facilitated Living and Nano Drones Take Flight at CES 2016

One thing we’ve learned over the years is that drones can come in a variety of shapes and sizes from friendly to nefarious. One of the more prolific and innovative vendors is MOTA, whose JETJAT Nano has won praise on Amazon and has stood out from the crowd for its tiny size. Able to perch on the tip of a finger and fit adorably in its own controller, it claims to be the world's smallest, lightest drone at a reasonable price point ($39).

Now MOTA is already seeking to improve on this synergy of by adding camera capabilities to its new JETJAT series models, including the tiny JETJAT NANO-C—basically the same winsome model with a 0.3-megapixel camera added on. The larger JETJAT Live-W will have Wi-Fi capabilities, allowing you to stream live video.

MOTA has also branched into other areas of consumer electronics that complement their cause. For those who prefer to use a GoPro mounted on a previously cameraless drone to capture their adventures, MOTA has designed a wireless charger that is perfect for replenishing the device’s power.

Another intriguing device is their new SmartRing, which despite some setbacks with shipping units on its Kickstarter campaign seems to offer an unprecedented visual element—a display that helps you keep track of what your gestures are actually accessing and doing. A working prototype will be on display at CES.

“If there's one thing the SmartRing and Wireless Charger have in common it's how they facilitate everyday life," said MOTA's Kevin Vera. "The SmartRing lets you discretely stay connected whether you're at the office or on a date, while the charger eliminates the hassle of battery swapping and tinkering for GoPro users everywhere."

The NANO-C and six more drones that are adaptable for both personal and professional use, and which Vera describes as "plain ole' fun," will debut in Q1/Q2 of this year.


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